Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Does God Exist

I'd like to start off by letting you know that i believe every life on earth has equal value and that is why everybody has been granted freedom,the freedom of expression and worship. You can choose to believe or not to believe in the existence of a higher power. This post is not meant to draw you to either side of the argument but to show you what i think counts as evidence in the existence of a higher authority much bigger than we could imagine.

 If God does not exist then why do we struggle to live against him. Think about it. You see it in the media everyday. Just flip to any station and you will notice what is being taught is nudity, bad language, disrespect, hate, premarital sex, it is cool to be bad, money worship..All these things are against God's teachings in the bible. If God does not exist then why does the media struggle so much to make you feel like an outcast if you don't live this kind of life? I call it the sheep effect. Yes i said it, the sheep effect.

In the bible we are referred to as sheep. Why does God call us sheep yet he made us as human beings? It is because he is referring to its characteristics. Sheep will always follow each other wherever they go. If one sheep jumps over a log i bet you that the whole flock will do so as well. The media knows that if it takes one celebrity (flock leader) and make him do bad things, his or her followers are sure to do the same thing.

Scientists say that we evolved from a single cell organism to what we are now.If we did that, where did that single cell come from? Why did it form intelligent life and why aren't there any more cells evolving into different forms of life than we already have on earth?

Does a dog know that humans have the ability to create buildings, cars, machines, jets and many other brilliant things. Why didn't evolution shape dogs to be as smart as us? I mean we could have come up with tons of brilliant ideas together. The dog remains blind to our brilliance because that is where it is supposed to be. It does not understand why we do the things we do.

 The same can go for us, we do not understand how God and his kingdom operates all we can do is make assumptions based on the little knowledge we have been restricted to.I believe that animals exist under humans for a sole purpose. To show us that indeed there is a hierarchy of power and God is above it all.

The bible is coded and to be able to understand it you must rise above the normal human level and acquire wisdom. This is a very powerful tool that we can use to decipher the hidden messages in the bible, it helps us see the world in ways a normal human being would never see.

 Why does God say wisdom is better than gold? It's all based on value. As human beings we know the price of gold, how shiny it is, its color basically its full worth. Do you know the value of wisdom? Do you know the value of knowledge bigger than you have? you could cure many diseases and end world hunger, how much could anyone possibly pay for it considering its worth more than money itself.

A normal person might see the sun and just notice two things about it: it emits light and heat. A wise person on the other hand might see the sun and wonder ow was it formed, why does it give out heat, how long before it burns out, can we make good use of it?

Seek wisdom and see the world unfold before your very eyes.

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